Digital Wireframe
Creating a simple digital wireframe and find out best features that works well (Star).

Work Process (Mockup)
- Considering Diablo immortal is cross-platform product, start designing on iPad ratio (4:3) first for the expansion to Mobile/Desktop/Console (16:9)

Mobile & Desktop Mockup

Evaluate the Design
Eye tracking comparisons
Players do not need to move around their eyes to check important informations as much anymore.

Mouse cursor visibility
Mouse color choice (3), and size control has added in accessibility.
Color impairment check to enhance further accessibility for the broader audience.

Part 02: Character Customization
What players care the most?
- Sam, Iris: I want to customize the character flow in the game.
- Iris, Shane: I want to see more characters in the game.
- Sam, Iris, Shane: I don’t like this character.

Why players struggling?

Develop Experience Goals & Visions
Evaluate and rate each player engagement pillars (Usability, Desirability, Scalability, Feasibility) in the chart. Breakdown each pillars as player stories
Identify Design & Art Hypothesis
Applying art hypothesis in each experience goals & Visons.
Analyze Player Feedback & Plan Desired Player Experience
Go over the player feedback and analyze: What do they really mean?What really matters to them? What could be the desired path? What can I change in your design/art?
Stakeholder Communication
Initial Solutions

Experience Goals (Scope):
Gather the ideas based on curret player experience analyzation.
- Gathering ideas based on their priority, and necessity.

Creating Mitigate Plans
Coming up with actions in case project encounter any errors or difficulties.
Starting Design
Updating User Flow
A step to confirm the user flow before conducting a usability test.
Wireframe Planning
Created wireframe planning with existing game screens, possibly conducting AB test on original flow, and updated flow to check the player experience enhancements.

Paper wireframe:
Defining user pain points and Brainstorming ideas (Solutions).

Digital wireframe:

High-Fidelity Mockups:
Focuses in helping players to imagining their characters in the battle action more than seeing the detailed character appearance.
- Adding a pre-tutorial tryout that users can see and feel how character battle/actions would be. It can be as simple as hitting the dummy on the same spot.
- Changing the character creation/customization flow by showing the character slot (game waiting room/lobby) first.
- Labeling (1 character exist) on the classes of the character that player already has.